Thursday, May 24, 2012

Online Gaming -South Shore Montr?al In -

Job Title : Storage Administrator - Online Gaming -South Shore Montr?al
Company : Proforce
City :
State : All State
Country : CA
Location : Canada
Date : 2012-05-23 21:23:53
latitude :
longitude :
Status Active
Job key 3d811df584abcde4

Introduced at May 23, 2012. Is at present Proforce at the time give job to Storage Administrator - Online Gaming -South Shore Montr?al. The job opportunity nicely situated in the city Canada range of All State .

And thus the condition of the job is Active. So besure to look at the job Requirement below and proceed go to the APPLY THE JOB button to go forward further.

The summary of job description of Storage Administrator - Online Gaming -South Shore Montr?al :

Storage Administrator - Online Gaming -South Shore Montr?al Job Requirement provided by Proforce. If you can quick apply this job you only click the Apply the job button at the bottom of this information.
* Responsible for the planning, implementation and maintenance of a diverse array of network storage within our infrastructure * Involves careful planning and resource allocation coupled with an ability to communicate future growth projections to management * Evaluation of new technologies with an eye towards continuous environment improvement Responsibilities: * Play a key role in the...


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